공식 출범■일
*■ (♬Thank you for your precious love and friendship....)
*★To us today...
And to all the people who came here...
To many scholars around the world....
To the many people who came from many countries and places...
*■First of all, I would like to express my deep gratitude and blessing for your hard work and precious work.
(And I deeply and dearly convey love, noble blessings and happiness to you.)
(I send my love and friendship to you all around the world.)
*■Many precious people have been actively working on my precious academic work(★Professional area : Budding academic content, etc. &..). &.../...
+■Jeong Yeon-ok, a world-pan : scholar, has worked professionally for many years, including academic work.
*■Now, so many precious & precious people from all over the world continue Jeong Yeon-ok's original, technical, academic, and so on.
*■Thank you so much for this with deep, deep, and love.
*■I decided to do something to deeply appreciate your precious friendship.
*■I, Jeong Yeon-ok, once again convey my deep gratitude and friendship to you.
*■Bless you.
(I wish you all the best.)
*■So I decided to make my new school today.
*■It's a difficult and difficult decision, but..
*■(In the world... Jeong Yeon-ok's academic and academic things have not been forgotten &.....)
*■I would like to bless you for these related works+ of those who are so noble.....
*■The official "Jeong Yeon-ok School" of the 21st century will be officially established on September 13, 2023.
(This has never happened in the world....)
*■For your information, this "professional related academic work, etc. related to the Jeong Yeon-ok School will continue in many places in the future, etc.&....
*■I am very grateful and appreciative of this today.
*■And I want to cherish this very much. &...
*■So I'm starting this today.
♥*■I would like to honor this work.&
*■"Jeong Y